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The Committee, having reviewed the evidence and record before it, and now finally recovering from the onslaught of Glenlivet (on the rocks, water back, thank you) on Saturday night, can now pronounce the Tenth Annual an unqualified success. Once again the WACOFF's have demonstrated that aging gracefully, interacting with dignity and living life in moderation are virtues that are readily abandoned in the proper environment. The Committee is pleased to have played a small role in enabling all of you to demonstrate your most unappealing personal character traits.
Congratulations to the Scramble Champions, Team Sage (Glenn Coughenour, Dennis Donahue, Skip Pruss and Dave Dell) for the second year in a row (and for the fourth time overall) captained by the steady hand of Glenn Coughenour. Do we smell a home court advantage here? Please take care of our trophy. Nuff said.
The Committee wishes to acknowledge the significant contributions made by some of our colleagues to the success of his year's event. Many thanks go to, in no particular order:
Joe Mantey: The very cool 10 year memorial flasks (and the chutzpah moment of the WACOFF when, having failed to pony up for skins in advance of the Sunday round, tried to get in after finishing his career best round Sunday afternoon);
Dennis Holefca: The food was superb and sublime, and the sight of Dennis in the kitchen carving meat made the whole thing feel like Thanksgiving at Grandma's. You are re-elected Dennis.
Marshal Hyman: Prizes. It doesn't matter that no one paid attention to the winners or your presentation, Marsh. Dave Dell did, and it’s the thought that counts. I hope that you forced Bretz to keep his Executive Chipper Net.
Skip Pruss: The shirts and hats were the best, and the color choices sublime. Never has so much been said about the relative merits of pique cotton vs. cotton mesh, and never has so little of what was said been of any value. Thanks for the big effort, Skip.
David Hardesty and John Stimson: Archives and Wacoff Museum: It is our collective history which forms the continuing basis for the incredible bonds amongst this group, and nobody has a deeper appreciation for that truth than John and David. Great job and great presentation. David is also responsible for our sponsored bar, which we all know is a labor of love.
Barry Goldman: The wordsmith and poet laureate of the WACOFF. Thanks for sharing the 10th with us and for your special words on Saturday. Paul will be happy to give you a lesson if you want to rejoin the combat on the links.
Paul Nielsen, a/k/a Senor Tequila: The excellence of the margarita mix was exceeded only by the vast quantities available. An encore is definitely called for.
Glenn Coughenour: As our in-house bookie, Glenn makes the task of recording and paying out on the paramutuel seem easy. Thanks Glenn for what is a thankless task.
Randy Moss and Joe Labarge: The Thursday Committee rallied their faculties (a herculean task to be sure) to put on what by all accounts was a fantastic Thursday event. You guys get the job next year too. (St Ives??)
Dan Bretz: For his recording and tabulating assistance on Friday and Sunday, but most importantly, for inspiring an unprecedented, and largely uninformed, yet enthusiastic debate on the Rules of Golf, which debate taxed most of our analytical and ethical capabilities to the point of neuron failure.
And last, but certainly not least, on behalf of all the WACOFF's the Committee extends its grateful appreciation for the continuing inspiration and dedication of Paul Coughenour, our Golf Committee Chairman, who through his love for all that is wonderful and insane about the game of golf has made our competitions as fun and memorable as they are. Don’t ever leave us Paul.
Mark your calendars now for September 7-9, 2001 at Northport. You can even send your check now if you want to assure special handicap and pairing treatment by The Committee. Have a great winter and keep in touch.
The Committee, having reviewed the evidence and record before it, and now finally recovering from the onslaught of Glenlivet (on the rocks, water back, thank you) on Saturday night, can now pronounce the Tenth Annual an unqualified success. Once again the WACOFF's have demonstrated that aging gracefully, interacting with dignity and living life in moderation are virtues that are readily abandoned in the proper environment. The Committee is pleased to have played a small role in enabling all of you to demonstrate your most unappealing personal character traits.
Congratulations to the Scramble Champions, Team Sage (Glenn Coughenour, Dennis Donahue, Skip Pruss and Dave Dell) for the second year in a row (and for the fourth time overall) captained by the steady hand of Glenn Coughenour. Do we smell a home court advantage here? Please take care of our trophy. Nuff said.
The Committee wishes to acknowledge the significant contributions made by some of our colleagues to the success of his year's event. Many thanks go to, in no particular order:
Joe Mantey: The very cool 10 year memorial flasks (and the chutzpah moment of the WACOFF when, having failed to pony up for skins in advance of the Sunday round, tried to get in after finishing his career best round Sunday afternoon);
Dennis Holefca: The food was superb and sublime, and the sight of Dennis in the kitchen carving meat made the whole thing feel like Thanksgiving at Grandma's. You are re-elected Dennis.
Marshal Hyman: Prizes. It doesn't matter that no one paid attention to the winners or your presentation, Marsh. Dave Dell did, and it’s the thought that counts. I hope that you forced Bretz to keep his Executive Chipper Net.
Skip Pruss: The shirts and hats were the best, and the color choices sublime. Never has so much been said about the relative merits of pique cotton vs. cotton mesh, and never has so little of what was said been of any value. Thanks for the big effort, Skip.
David Hardesty and John Stimson: Archives and Wacoff Museum: It is our collective history which forms the continuing basis for the incredible bonds amongst this group, and nobody has a deeper appreciation for that truth than John and David. Great job and great presentation. David is also responsible for our sponsored bar, which we all know is a labor of love.
Barry Goldman: The wordsmith and poet laureate of the WACOFF. Thanks for sharing the 10th with us and for your special words on Saturday. Paul will be happy to give you a lesson if you want to rejoin the combat on the links.
Paul Nielsen, a/k/a Senor Tequila: The excellence of the margarita mix was exceeded only by the vast quantities available. An encore is definitely called for.
Glenn Coughenour: As our in-house bookie, Glenn makes the task of recording and paying out on the paramutuel seem easy. Thanks Glenn for what is a thankless task.
Randy Moss and Joe Labarge: The Thursday Committee rallied their faculties (a herculean task to be sure) to put on what by all accounts was a fantastic Thursday event. You guys get the job next year too. (St Ives??)
Dan Bretz: For his recording and tabulating assistance on Friday and Sunday, but most importantly, for inspiring an unprecedented, and largely uninformed, yet enthusiastic debate on the Rules of Golf, which debate taxed most of our analytical and ethical capabilities to the point of neuron failure.
And last, but certainly not least, on behalf of all the WACOFF's the Committee extends its grateful appreciation for the continuing inspiration and dedication of Paul Coughenour, our Golf Committee Chairman, who through his love for all that is wonderful and insane about the game of golf has made our competitions as fun and memorable as they are. Don’t ever leave us Paul.
Mark your calendars now for September 7-9, 2001 at Northport. You can even send your check now if you want to assure special handicap and pairing treatment by The Committee. Have a great winter and keep in touch.