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The Committee, having now enjoyed sleep and pain relievers in sufficient quantities to restore something resembling normal cognitive functions, wishes to extend its thanks and congratulations to all who organized, plotted, planned and, most of all, participated in the 2002 Invitational. By all measures and accounts it was a spectacular success, and made more so by the astounding weather, the "new" venue and the introduction of French golf games to the competition.
The Khardhomah succeeded in winning over our hearts, despite having to compete with great memories of Northport Lodge. The Committee is genuinely pleased to see and confirm what it knew to be true all along, that it is the WACOFFs, not the place, that make this a truly singular event. I think next year we will just do the whole thing in Joe LaBarge's motor home and save a few bucks.
The golf was superb. Thursday is rapidly becoming de rigeur for the weekend, and The Committee thanks Randall Moss for his continuing enthusiasm and abilities as Chairman of the Thursday Committee. Long may he reign!
Friday's change up from Mickey was welcomed by most if not all of the posse, if for no other reason than the speed of play picked up immeasurably. While some will miss Mickey, and all have fond memories of flying the Mick into the water on the 3rd hole or some equally auspicious disaster, the Golf Committee did a superb job in conceiving and executing the change. Their creativity and courage (yes, courage) has moved WACOFF golf to the next level. Vive la Golf Committee!
Food and drink were once again organized to a spectacular result by Dennis Holefca and David Hardesty, respectively. Believing that food and drink are the heart and soul of why we chisel WACOFF weekend into our calendars, The Committee is ever grateful for their fine work. We expect Dennis to be back next year, stronger than ever and replete with new menu ideas. David has been reenergized by the news that some people actually notice what they are drinking and have offered some good suggestions to enhance the quality and diversity of our liquor selections. Kudos also to John Stimson of the Hats, Shirts, Fobs and Baubles Committee for his untiring pursuit of good taste and good looks in our WACOFF regalia. The Fobs and Baubles sub-Committee, chaired by the ever-ready Ron Hardesty, was responsible for the inscribed divot tools, which also coincidentally bore the name of someone else to whom Ron must owe a lot of money. And to think these could have been collectors items! Many others to thank, including our Archivist David H (who suffers mightily in his never ending quest for the 'group picture), Marshal H for the Performance Prizes, Ron H and Jim C for the paramutuel game, Dennis D for Sunday skins, and last but not least The Committee's muse, conscience and resident aesthete, Paul Coughenour, without whom the WACOFF Invitational would wither and fade to complacency.
The Committee stands in awe of the weekends winners, in solidarity with the also-rans, and in fear of what might happen if someone other than a Coughenour does not win the Championship soon. Several of those wannabees whose names need not be mentioned may be driven to therapy, unseasonably heavy drug use, or, worse, golf lessons. Oh God of Golf, deliver them from this fate. Thanks to all, please give your feedback to The Committee on venue, golf, time, place, who not to invite back, how to get Dekam to play A golf (or even B golf) other than on Sunday and anything else that comes to mind. Volunteers are always welcome and your suggestions and help always appreciated. Until Next Year
The Committee
The Committee, having now enjoyed sleep and pain relievers in sufficient quantities to restore something resembling normal cognitive functions, wishes to extend its thanks and congratulations to all who organized, plotted, planned and, most of all, participated in the 2002 Invitational. By all measures and accounts it was a spectacular success, and made more so by the astounding weather, the "new" venue and the introduction of French golf games to the competition.
The Khardhomah succeeded in winning over our hearts, despite having to compete with great memories of Northport Lodge. The Committee is genuinely pleased to see and confirm what it knew to be true all along, that it is the WACOFFs, not the place, that make this a truly singular event. I think next year we will just do the whole thing in Joe LaBarge's motor home and save a few bucks.
The golf was superb. Thursday is rapidly becoming de rigeur for the weekend, and The Committee thanks Randall Moss for his continuing enthusiasm and abilities as Chairman of the Thursday Committee. Long may he reign!
Friday's change up from Mickey was welcomed by most if not all of the posse, if for no other reason than the speed of play picked up immeasurably. While some will miss Mickey, and all have fond memories of flying the Mick into the water on the 3rd hole or some equally auspicious disaster, the Golf Committee did a superb job in conceiving and executing the change. Their creativity and courage (yes, courage) has moved WACOFF golf to the next level. Vive la Golf Committee!
Food and drink were once again organized to a spectacular result by Dennis Holefca and David Hardesty, respectively. Believing that food and drink are the heart and soul of why we chisel WACOFF weekend into our calendars, The Committee is ever grateful for their fine work. We expect Dennis to be back next year, stronger than ever and replete with new menu ideas. David has been reenergized by the news that some people actually notice what they are drinking and have offered some good suggestions to enhance the quality and diversity of our liquor selections. Kudos also to John Stimson of the Hats, Shirts, Fobs and Baubles Committee for his untiring pursuit of good taste and good looks in our WACOFF regalia. The Fobs and Baubles sub-Committee, chaired by the ever-ready Ron Hardesty, was responsible for the inscribed divot tools, which also coincidentally bore the name of someone else to whom Ron must owe a lot of money. And to think these could have been collectors items! Many others to thank, including our Archivist David H (who suffers mightily in his never ending quest for the 'group picture), Marshal H for the Performance Prizes, Ron H and Jim C for the paramutuel game, Dennis D for Sunday skins, and last but not least The Committee's muse, conscience and resident aesthete, Paul Coughenour, without whom the WACOFF Invitational would wither and fade to complacency.
The Committee stands in awe of the weekends winners, in solidarity with the also-rans, and in fear of what might happen if someone other than a Coughenour does not win the Championship soon. Several of those wannabees whose names need not be mentioned may be driven to therapy, unseasonably heavy drug use, or, worse, golf lessons. Oh God of Golf, deliver them from this fate. Thanks to all, please give your feedback to The Committee on venue, golf, time, place, who not to invite back, how to get Dekam to play A golf (or even B golf) other than on Sunday and anything else that comes to mind. Volunteers are always welcome and your suggestions and help always appreciated. Until Next Year
The Committee