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The Committee extends its appreciation and thanks to all of you who made the 1999 Invitational a truly spectacular event. The golf was wet but enthusiastic, the food sublime, the company unsurpassed and the beer unrelenting.
Despite the temptation to fly our flock south to Myrtle Beach for the 10th Annual (or Anal), the clear consensus and desire amongst the WACOFFs is to return for yet another go at the Northport Bay Retreat next year. The Committee will do its best to secure the venue, and each of you should mark the dates on your calendars now: Friday, September 8, 2000 through Sunday September 10, 2000.
Invitations and requests for dough will go out early next year. In the meantime, if any of you have any ideas for energizing our outing, suggestions for how it could be improved, or if you are interested in taking on any of the administrative and planning duties that weigh so heavily on the Committee each year, your ideas and participation are welcome. Dennis Holefca has graciously volunteered (been drafted) to assist in the food planning for next year, an offer that is gratefully accepted. Additional volunteers in the area of prizes, presentations, bar and munchie planning etc are sought and welcome.
Congratulations to the winners, Team Coughenour (sans Paul). The Committee admonishes each of you to treat the trophy as you would your child (except for beating it with a rubber hose)and return it for presentation to the next winners in as good as shape as it was given to you (Snider's bar disaster notwithstanding).
Congratulations also to the Flight Winners on Sunday:
A: Dan Bretz - Mike Dekam
B: Bill Worth - Bob Palmer
C: Jon Snider - Dave Dell
D: Joe Mantey - Tim Guerriero
Lots of $$ changed hands in the skins and paramutuel betting, and The Golf Chairman will be in touch with those of who have yet to collect your money.
Thanks again and see you next year.
The Committee
The Committee extends its appreciation and thanks to all of you who made the 1999 Invitational a truly spectacular event. The golf was wet but enthusiastic, the food sublime, the company unsurpassed and the beer unrelenting.
Despite the temptation to fly our flock south to Myrtle Beach for the 10th Annual (or Anal), the clear consensus and desire amongst the WACOFFs is to return for yet another go at the Northport Bay Retreat next year. The Committee will do its best to secure the venue, and each of you should mark the dates on your calendars now: Friday, September 8, 2000 through Sunday September 10, 2000.
Invitations and requests for dough will go out early next year. In the meantime, if any of you have any ideas for energizing our outing, suggestions for how it could be improved, or if you are interested in taking on any of the administrative and planning duties that weigh so heavily on the Committee each year, your ideas and participation are welcome. Dennis Holefca has graciously volunteered (been drafted) to assist in the food planning for next year, an offer that is gratefully accepted. Additional volunteers in the area of prizes, presentations, bar and munchie planning etc are sought and welcome.
Congratulations to the winners, Team Coughenour (sans Paul). The Committee admonishes each of you to treat the trophy as you would your child (except for beating it with a rubber hose)and return it for presentation to the next winners in as good as shape as it was given to you (Snider's bar disaster notwithstanding).
Congratulations also to the Flight Winners on Sunday:
A: Dan Bretz - Mike Dekam
B: Bill Worth - Bob Palmer
C: Jon Snider - Dave Dell
D: Joe Mantey - Tim Guerriero
Lots of $$ changed hands in the skins and paramutuel betting, and The Golf Chairman will be in touch with those of who have yet to collect your money.
Thanks again and see you next year.
The Committee